About Kathi Jo

Kathi Jo is a Certified Medium, Reiki Master and Spiritual Life Coach. Known for her honest assessments and firm guidance, she always comes from a place of integrity – in both her professional and personal life – recognizing that the answers to life’s challenges often come from within.

As a professional medium, Kathi Jo provides comfort, guidance, and healing to those with emotional wounds, grief, and self-doubt. She has trained with world-renowned mediums James Van Praagh and John Holland, along with several mentors that she continues to learn from in her spiritual journey. Born with her natural gifts of seeing, hearing, and sensing Spirit, she has given countless healing messages and validation connecting those in Heaven with their earth-bound loved-ones.

“Those in Spirit do not suffer. They are eager to communicate and assist with all healing of the bereaved. We are never truly alone.”
— Medium Kathi Jo

As a spiritual healer, Kathi Jo is dedicated to the best possible outcomes for each client’s needs, and encourages self-healing by taking the lead role in healing yourself. She uses her innate gifts, professional training, and more than 20 years as a healer to provide you with the energy balance and spiritual guidance to heal, grow, and live your life to the fullest. She believes your journey reaches a higher level when a meaningful connection is made with your “Spiritual Support Team” and she is committed to helping you learn how the power of universal energy can improve your life.

Kathi Jo helps you gain a higher level of awareness with coaching and learning events on-line and at her studio in Northeast Wisconsin.

Inspire to Heal Studio

1260 Centennial Centre Blvd, Oneida, WI 54155

Mediumship – Consultation – Coaching
Healing Studio